Reports from the PAC National Conference

Reports from the PAC National Conference

The Polish American Community in the 21st Century:
Challenges and Opportunities

October 15 & 16, 2009
Chicago IL

(Note: This is the Agenda as published prior to the Conference. For the actual sequence of events, see the detailed report)

Reports and Photos

Detailed report from News of Polonia
By participants from Northern California
Unveiling of bust of Lech Wałęsa (in Polish)

Greetings from Government Officials

Lech Kaczyński, President of the Republic of Poland (English translation)
Pat Quinn, Governor of the State of Illinois
Radosław Sikorski, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Poland
Jarosław Kaczyński, President of Law and Justice Party (English translation)
Lisa Madigan, Attorney General of the State of Illinois
Todd H. Stroger, President of Cook County Board of Commisioners