

We represent over 10 million
Americans of Polish descent
we value family, faith, democracy
& fulfilment of
American Dream

The Polish American Congress is a National Umbrella Organization, representing at least 10 million Americans of Polish descent and origin. Its membership is comprised of fraternal, educational, veteran, religious, cultural, social, business, political organizations and individual membership.

Upcoming Events

We are pleased to announce the following events our movement’s representatives are going to participate in.

65-th Annual International Conference
September 21
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2015 25-th Annual Democracy Forum
September 09
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Conference on Small Businesses 2015
Conference on Small Businesses 2015
August 27
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2015 Human Rights Conference
2015 Human Rights Conference
August 08
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Join Polish American Congress

There is room and opportunity for everyone willing to share of their talents and energy in a united effort to move forward on our goals.

Recent News

The latest news and headlines from the world of politics. Get news and in-depth coverage with videos and photos.


Latest Press
Featured Projects
  • Family Values as Political Concept

    Duis eget dictum eros, in dictum sem. Vivamus sed molestie sapien. Aliquam et facilisis arcu, ut molestie augue.

  • Better Education and Higher Scholarships

    Proin dignissim commodo magna at luctus. Nam molestie justo augue, nec eleifend urna laoreet non. Proin ut nulla egestas, hendrerit urna scelerisque, finibus nulla. Integer et elementum sem. Donec nec scelerisque elit, id pulvinar est. Maecenas laoreet, diam vel venenatis molestie, nunc augue tempus felis, nec efficitur dui leo a tellus. Cras volutpat fringilla sapien,

Basic Principles
  • What Health Care Reform Means for Your Business

    Sed orci dolor, pulvinar nec luctus a, malesuada ac nisl. Aliquam eleifend et dui et suscipit. Nam semper accumsan ante, ac dapibus urna dapibus et. Aenean lobortis viverra nibh in porttitor. Aenean vel eros posuere, laoreet ligula et, lobortis tellus. Morbi quis nunc in risus ornare egestas et ac libero. Donec egestas nunc massa, ac

  • Liberalism, Liberal Feminism, and Anarchism

    Nulla dignissim nisi in nulla aliquet, eget sagittis est suscipit. Morbi quis diam nec libero imperdiet condimentum. Ut venenatis tellus in hendrerit ornare. Nam suscipit quam nec diam ullamcorper hendrerit. In ex orci, semper sed ornare sed, mollis at erat. Cras molestie bibendum purus. Donec ornare ex ut varius tempus. Nunc bibendum, dolor et sodales

Photo Gallery

Check out the pics from the our latest political conferences, seminars and meetings. Stay updated with our regular photo records.Marian Davis

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